My Projects

A realtime chat app that performs sentiment analysis and assigns a mood emoji accordingly

Demo video

The Chat Bot leverages the Sentiment Node module to calculate a Sentiment score and uses that score to display an emoji that accurately reflects the emotional sentiment of the message.

Tech Stack:

  • Next.js — A framework for building server-side rendered(SSR) React applications
  • Pusher — A technology for building apps with varying realtime needs
  • Sentiment — A module that uses the AFINN-165 wordlist and Emoji Sentiment Ranking to perform sentiment analysis on arbitrary blocks of input text
  • ReactJS — Popular component-based JS DOM rendering framework for building scalable web applications.

Many thanks to Chris Nwamba from the Pusher Blog for demonstrating how everything works in his great article!


A collaborative project with Nathan Bolivar

Tech Stack:

  • AWS Alexa Skill (NodeJS)
  • Wordpress info site
  • A ReactJS web appplication that serves as a control panel backed by a Firebase DB

MyHost allows you to customize your Alexa device and set responses unique to your area. Limit the time spent answering frequently asked questions and give your guests a tool to get to know the area. [Currently in development]

Jumping Bears Party Rentals

Freelance client project

Tech Stack: ReactJS, Sass + Bulma Styling, GatsbyJS, and GraphQL

Static site developed by me for a party rental business website

Workshop: How to Create and Deploy a ReactJS Application using Gatsby and Netlify

YouTube link

Workshop I developed and presented to hackers at The University of Arizona's annual Hackathon, Hack Arizona 2019

Recorded tutorial of the live presentation I delivered at the Hackathon. [WARNING] This recording does lack the extraordinary showmanship and pizzazz that the live audience got to experience

This isnt the end!

I have more projects done and ready to be added to this site, stay tuned! 02/14/2019